2 Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”

To grow in the grace of Christ we need to practice some tried and true spiritual disciplines. A discipline can be defined as a training action that produces a quality or condition.  Spiritual disciplines are actions that are designed to make us more like Jesus.  As spiritual disciplines become regularly incorporated into habits, we become more like Jesus.  Spiritual disciplines come from two major categories: disciplines of abstinence (self-denial) and disciplines of engagement (connecting relationally with God and others).  Using one side without the other will not lead to much growth. Abstinence makes space for deeper engagement with God and others and engagement gives strength to endure the challenges of abstinence.

Disciplines of Abstinence are those in which, as you might expect, where we abstain from certain things, namely, normal and legitimate desires.  Disciplines of abstinence are helpful in that they bring our normal human desires into right order. Examples of disciplines of abstinence are fasting, secrecy, solitude, silence and rest.  We will cover these during week five of this devotional.

Disciplines of Engagement are partner to disciplines of abstinence. When we take something out of our lives, we must put something new and healthy in its place. We must not only stop doing things, but choose to do the better more productive things in their place. Examples of disciplines of engagement are prayer, worship, study, fellowship and confession.  This will be the focus of weeks two through four in our devotional.

Disciplines do not earn us favor with God or measure spiritual success. They are exercises which equip us to live fully and freely in the present reality of God.  God works with us and for us, giving us grace as we learn and grow.  During week one we will be reminded time and time again of the goal and focus of spiritual disciplines.


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