God has created so many different people groups, so many ethnicities that make up the tapestry of the world’s population. To this reality, God has called us to be His ambassadors and to make disciples of all nations and people groups. God’s heart and direction also leads us to the poor. With so much hurt, pain, loss, and poverty all around the world, we can respond to these opportunities desperately crying for God’s compassion and love. Let’s follow God’s initiative for the nations and bring them the hope of the story of Jesus.
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Chelo Demosthene
Bercy, Haiti

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We serve alongside Iglese de la Grace (Grace Church) and Significance of One in Bercy, Haiti.
Chelo is the pastor of Iglese de la Grace and he is wife also run and teach at Institution Wini Garden. They began the school when they saw a need for good, affordable education in their community. Our short-term GO teams come to Bercy and spend time building relationships with the families that attend Chelo’s church as well as families in the village. We do this through medical clinics, kids club activities, discipleship, and building projects.
Significance of One is a ministry based out of Columbus and their main goal is to support local schools through child support. They desire to bring Christ centered education, nutrition, and health services as a way to support the work of local pastors and schools.
We serve alongside Hearts for Haiti in the Croix de Bouquet town in Haiti. Lovely and Reginald are husband and wife who have built relationships with churches in and around Croix de Bouquet and they invest relationally with women and children in those areas.
Our teams partner with the Haitian team, to help women and their families know the heart of Christ. This is done through women’s studies, health and hygiene classes, sexuality, parenting, and bible studies. As they are able they spend time with women who are in the local prison and maternity hospital. They focus much of their time in these areas teaching on grace and forgiveness and assisting women as they transition from prison back into everyday life.
J and K
Names changed for security purposes
Western Asia

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J and K are moving to Western Asia to minister to Afghan migrants. 99.9% of these refugees are Muslim, and they are one of the most oppressed groups in this region. After journeying across the Middle East, seeking a safer home and a future for their families, they become stuck in Western Asia with no way to access their end goal of Europe. Most arrive without shelter, food, jobs, or legal status. Many are wounded physically and emotionally. Families are separated. They receive no welcome or assistance upon their arrival.
J and K want Afghan refugees to know that they are seen, loved, cared for, and accepted, not just by J and K, but ultimately by God. They desire that migrants come to Christ to experience true love and be freed from the frustration, hurt, and pain of sin and the effects of the fall that they have experienced. This is a work only the Holy Spirit can do. J and K’s prayer is that by meeting these refugees in pre-existing programs (tea houses, home visits, etc.), the Lord will show them people whose hearts are ready for the life-giving message of the gospel.
J and K are praying for partners to catch the vision God has put in their hearts for the work He is doing in Western Asia. They seek fellow laborers to stay connected to their work and partner in sincere prayer. They also seek churches and individuals who are willing to give regularly to this ministry.
Thank you for partnering with J and K. Your gift allows them to live among these unreached people and shine the light of God’s love into the fear and darkness that surrounds them.