JUNE 23rd-27th  

4yrs-Completed 5th Grade

Cost: FREE

Bible camp is for 4-year-olds all the way up to those who have completed 5th grade. Bible camp is a fun place for kids to discover who God is and how much he loves them!



JUNE 8th-13th  

For completed 5th-7th Grade

Cost: $600

Middle School Camp at Camp Carl is June 8th – 13th! Camp Carl is for students who are completing 5th-7th grade. Middle School Camp is a week of back to back fun including horse back riding, pool time, boating, tubing, archery, camp fires, s’mores, awesome sessions, music, and even more activities. Every middle school student will absolutely love being at camp and will have an opportunity to connect with God and with their friends in a new way. 


For students entering 8th-completed 12th Grade

Cost: $535 by March 15th (plus a transportation fee of $75)

At Momentum, students gather from all over the country to expand their faith in many ways. Whether at the main teaching sessions, the smaller breakout sessions, afternoon fun activities, or the hands-on ministry opportunities, Momentum is designed to strengthen your students’ walk with Jesus.

When: Monday, July 14th – Sunday, July 20th
(We leave a day early.)

Where: Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN

What: Students and volunteers will travel from Montrose in charter buses to Indiana, stay overnight in college dorms with their peers (and leaders), and travel home together.

Question about a Camp or Conference? We would love to help!

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